I heard a story recently that I immediately knew I wanted to share on here…

The Wonderful Impossible

 “So, they’ve been doing some experiments about how far a human eye can detect a candle. Turns out it’s over a mile. In the dark, in the night, you can see a candle over a mile…actually, almost 2 miles away. It would be faint, like the faintest star in the sky on a moonless night, but still visible. That seems remarkable, if not impossible. It also seems wonderful that darkness is that weak.

 When we think of the stories with the villains who can’t seem to die, the opinion-makers who can’t seem to stop talking… it’s hard to think that evil is weak. And that’s because the greatest strength of evil is separation. The objective of evil is to cause us to feel alone, separated, vulnerable. This is how people come to the end of their ropes, feeling like they have no one who cares or just being terribly, terribly frightened and not reaching out.

 But light teaches us that darkness isn’t strong at all. One little candle can be seen over a mile. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. It can’t.”                                    

- The Reverend Dr. Geoffrey Kohler

Please be a candle wherever one is needed 🕯.